Jesus Beautiful Saviour Chords

G DF Em7 Lamb of God holy and righteous D C G.
Jesus beautiful saviour chords. Beautiful Saviour - Planetshakers Guitar Chords and Lyrics Christian Praise and Worship Resources for Cell Group Meeting and Quiet Time. Lamb of G God DF holy and righ Em7 teous Bles D sed rede C emer G bright mornin Am7 g star. G DF Em7 Jesus Beautiful Savior D C G Am7 God of all majesty risen king.
Intro A A EG Fm7 Fm7 E D D AC Bm7 Bm7 Verse 1 A EG Fm7 Jesus beautiful Saviour E D AC Bm7 God of all majesty ris - en King Verse 2 A EG Fm7 Lamb of God holy and righteous E D AC Bm7 Blessed Redeemer bright morning star. Beautiful Saviour chords. Beautiful Savior Chords PDF Toby Baxley Chord Chart Key.
Lamb of God holy and righteous D C G Am. Blessed redeemer bright morning star. Beautiful Saviour by Planetshakerswith chords and lyrics a beautiful worship song for our Saviour Jesus Christ.
G DF Em7 Jesus Beautiful Savior D C G Am7 God of all majesty risen king. Henry SeeleyVerse 1Jesus beautiful SaviourGod of a. CHORDS LYRICS G Jesus DF Beautiful Sa Em7 vior G D od of all ma C jesty G risen Am7 king.
Ab A A Bb B C C Db D D Eb E F F Gb G G. Ab A A Bb B C C Db D D Eb E F F Gb G G. A A Ab B Bb C C D Db E Eb F F G G Gb Numbers Numerals Capo.
Beautiful Saviour Key of G Music and Words by Henry Seeley Verse 1. God of all majesty risen king. G DF Em7 Lamb of God holy and righteous D C G.