Plum Color

Plum has the hex code DDA0DD.
Plum color. Download all free or royalty-free photos and images. Chocolate Plum is a Pantone textile Cotton eXtended color with the PMS number 19-1110 TCX. Think of plum skin and plum flesh.
Black plums usually range from bright red to deep purple color and come with a mild to sweet taste. Typically they are used in dishes such as plum tarts as they. It is an equal mix of the tertiary colors which are russet orange color purple color and slate purple color.
Plum is warm and vibrant somewhere between purple and magenta. It is not a web color and cannot be used in HTML and CSS code by name. Plum takes on a purplish tone tinged with greys and browns making it seem complicated to achieve.
Get free shipping on qualified Plum Paint Colors or Buy Online Pick Up in Store today in the Paint Department. Dusty green color blue color bright red color burgundy color color of plum color of the sky color selection for home dirty. Plum is a purple color with a brownish-grey ting.
Fat Quarter --Predominately Plum Color With Orange and Yellow Batik with Purple Plants and Leaves. The hexadecimal RGB code of Plum color is 8E4585. As a quaternary color this color is created by mixing two tertiary.
Plum is a dark brownish purple that is also described as reddish purple. Each color scheme contains the html. The equivalent RGB values are 221 160 221 which means it is composed of 37 red 27 green and 37 blue.