You Are God's Beautiful Creation

My own hands stretched out.
You are god's beautiful creation. You are proof of that. We have used them throughout the treatment. You are like Gods poem the product of His awesome creativity.
I was feeling Gods grief about His beautiful people who are lost in sin. He made each and every one of us in His image but. 27 - So God created mankind in his own image in the image of God he created them.
For those of you who are tired weary and fearful of the chaos happening throughout the world right now take a gander at the photo below and marvel at the beauty of Gods creation. As we look forward to spring Easter and the celebration of new life here are 11 Bible verses which speak of Gods glorious creativity. You can dream create design and build the most beautiful place in the world but it requires people to make it a reality Walt Disney Women i5 symbol of rower Gods finest a beautiful creation without whom no creation is.
He created the tiny ants as well as beautiful and unique butterflies. He is the Artist. In this encouragement Rev John Scott reminds us that we are Gods unlimited creation and therefore we can have as much good as we are receptive.
Gods love greatness and beauty. This beautiful statement from Psalm 191 NIV indicates one of the purposes of the created universe. Women are beautiful.
God made them beautiful. They are the crowning glory of their Creator. You are His sculpture.